AWARE's Investors in Mental Health Awards recognises and celebrates those promoting positive mental health in Northern Ireland!
Saint Kevin's College is delighted to have received the Award. Mrs MacDonald our Vice Principal attended the ceremony to collect the award. She said, 'it is an honour and a privilege to have been selected and have our work with young people recognised'.
Well done to everyone involved! |  The Investors in Mental Health Award is an initiative developed by AWARE NI – the depression charity for Northern Ireland. The aim is to provide recognition to schools, businesses, organisations and community groups who are making a significant contribution to the promotion of positive mental health. |  The Investors in Pupils programme provides a unique pupil participation framework for schools and education settings. Initiated by schools, the programme began in West Yorkshire before establishing itself nationally, with over 500 schools engaging with the programme at some level, and with schools from over 50 Local Authorities having achieved the award to date, including Wales and Northern Ireland. |
 Our people are our most valuable commodity. Central to the success of any organisation – whatever its size or sector – is the right blend of talent, motivation and leadership. |  We have recently achieved this status and we are very proud as one of the only schools in Northern Ireland to do so!
Reference Schools are recognised by Google for our outstanding use of technology to drive positive learning outcomes. We have agreed to host visitors on-site, share advice, tips, and best practices, host events, and more. |  Investor in Careers is an accredited National Licensed Awarding Body for the Quality in Careers Standard for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) provision.
We are very proud to be working towards this award. |