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8th July 2024

Our Uniform Swap Shop will be open on Thursday 22nd August between 10am and 2.30pm and if you have a special request please email our info account at and ask for it to be sent to the PTFA.

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28th June 2024

A counselling service is more than just an add on – it is literally a life saver for some pupils, and it is a life belt for others as they navigate the changes of adolescence. It, alongside the excellent pastoral care offered in our schools, provides support, stability and the chance to develop skills to get yourself out of choppy waters when your mental wellbeing is threatened.

We are also here to help if you need us during the summer!

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27th June 2024

The excitement of term ending culminated in the best sports day we have had in years!

Our KS3 and KS4 students took each challenge on and had the staff sports day to look forward to in the afternoon - there was plenty of falls and laughs as the staff let off some steam!

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