Students who attend St Kevin’s College are expected to wear our school uniform with pride.
Our school uniform reflects the ethos of our College.
The uniform can be purchased in local clothing shops such as G Hicks and S.D Kells.
Blazer: Dark blue blazer with school crest and silver/burgundy reflective strip (KS3 & KS4)
Light blue blazer with school crest and silver/burgundy reflective strip for (KS5)
Blouse/shirt: white, no logos or motifs (all students)
Skirt: approved plain black knee length skirt (Elastene material is not acceptable). If a student’s skirt is too short, the student will be asked to replace it.
Trousers: approved plain black trousers (all students)
Jumper: Approved charcoal grey jumper (optional to all students)
Ties: We have a Junior and a Senior Tie which can be purchased from the school
Footwear: Plain black shoes (all students), heels are to be no higher than 5cm/2inches.
Branded shoes eg: Adidas, Nike will not be permitted.
Hoodies: Regulation school hoodies are permitted to be worn from Beginning of November to End of February inclusive.
Tights: Black tights to be worn all year round.
Scarves: Students are allowed to wear their own scarves to and from school and when outside during break time and lunch time from November - February
The summer uniform can be worn on the 2nd day of 20 degree temperature. This consists of St Kevin’s PE Short Sleeve Top and Shorts (either O’Neills MFC or Playrfit Brand) or plain black shorts.
Permitted jewellery items:
A plain ring
A wristwatch
Up to 2 pairs of studded earrings can be worn on the lower lobes and no more than 2 pairs of studded earrings can be worn in the upper part of the ear.
Students are permitted to wear a 2mm clear plastic retainer in their nose piercing (No nose studs or rings are allowed)
Prohibited jewellery items:
Nose piercing studs/rings
Eyebrow piercing studs/rings/bars
Lip piercing studs/rings
Tongue piercing studs/bars
Drop or hoop earrings
Earrings worn in the inner cartilage of the ear
*Note* - students may be required to remove permitted jewellery items during classes such as Home Economics and or Technology and Design due to health and safety regulations
All students will be required to maintain tidy, groomed hairstyles of natural colour
Makeup is to be kept to a minimum and worn only by KS4 & KS5 students
False eyelashes are not permitted
Heavy/full coverage makeup is not permitted
If a student is found to be wearing an excessive amount of makeup, they will be required to remove it.
*Note* - False nails, nail extensions and pointed nails are not permitted due to health and safety regulations
NB: This will be reiterated to students now and will be enforced from January, 2020.
The PE Kit can be ordered from:
​​​​​After a very successful student council meeting our Student Council requested and designed an optional St Kevin’s College Summer Uniform. A key focus of this uniform design was to reduce the cost on parents.
It will consist of the St Kevin’s College PE Top & Black Knee Length Shorts.
We are introducing our Optional Summer Uniform from tomorrow it will be the St Kevin’s PE Top & Plain Black Knee Length Shorts-designed by our Student Council & Year Heads. Pupils can still wear the normal uniform. The summer uniform can be worn on the 2nd day of 20oC temperature.
Pupils can wear the Summer Uniform from 13th June onwards.
Implementation of Policy
It is the responsibility of Parents to ensure that their child comes to school wearing the correct regulation school uniform.
It is the responsibility of all staff to monitor and enforce the wearing of the school uniform as part of the day to day running of the school.
Persistent breaches of the uniform policy will be addressed firstly by the Form Teacher; a message may be sent home via the school app or by phone. A time period may be put in place to resolve the situation in question.
If further breaches of the school uniform occur a meeting may take place between the parent, the student and the Form Teacher and or Year Head.