13th January 2025
On Monday, 13th January 2025, 760 students and 120 staff gathered for a Mass of Celebration at Holy Cross Church in Lisnaskea. This event was held for the 22 St Kevin’s College students who will be traveling to Kenya next week for Catholic Schools Week. These students are senior members of the St Kevin’s College Faith Group. They will journey to Kitui, Kenya, where they will work at St Joseph’s Secondary School. During their 12-day stay, they plan to teach the local students about Irish traditions and culture. Members of the St Kevin’s Traditional Irish Music Group will also travel to perform for the clergy, staff, and students of St Joseph’s School and the Diocese of Kitui. The students have raised several thousand pounds for Kitui and intend to donate 20 laptops to the students in Kenya. Additionally, St Kevin’s Music Department will teach the Kitui students a few Irish songs on various musical instruments, which will be donated to the school. They will also introduce the students and staff of Kitui to Gaelic Football.
The students are traveling to Kitui, Kenya, for Catholic Schools Week. Mr. Kelly mentioned that the theme of Catholic Schools Week is ‘Alive in Christ’. These students are true ambassadors for Christ, having worked diligently over the past year to prepare for the trip to Kenya. They have been active in local primary schools, their parishes, and St Kevin’s College to promote faith, all in preparation for this journey. They have raised over £20,000 for the trip, exemplifying young people who are ‘Alive in Christ’. Mr. Kelly also quoted Pope Francis, who said, “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way, he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!”
Mr. Kelly expressed that it was a great honor for Bishop Larry Duffy (Bishop of Clogher) to celebrate this special mass for the young people traveling to Africa for Catholic Schools Week. Bishop Larry, who spent four years working in Kenya, shared valuable insights into the life and work of the Church in Africa.
Mr. Kelly also conveyed gratitude from the students and school to Canon Jimmy McPhillips, who has collaborated with the St Kevin’s Faith Group over the past year. Canon Jimmy McPhillips will accompany the students and staff on their faith journey to Africa. St Kevin’s extends thanks to Fr Brendan Gallagher, Fr John Chester, and Fr Gabriel Dolan, who all participated in this special mass. It is inspiring to witness such faith development among the youth.