Our Rewards/Merit system is inclusive of all learners and rewards sporting, academic and artistic endeavours as well as behaviour and attendance.
The Rewards/Merit system is based on the LORIC model.
Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiation, Communication
Students who demonstrate any of the above skills in any aspect of school life are rewarded with merits.
Years 8 – 12 are included within a House Rewards/Merit system, the houses are as follows:
St Eugene’s
St Comhghall’s
St Ronan’s
St Macartan’s
St Mary’s
All merits are recorded and the students who achieve the highest number of merits in each class have their achievement(s) recognised at assemblies, receiving a retail voucher as a reward.
Houses with the highest combined number of merits at the end of the school year are rewarded with a school trip. Recently St Comhghall’s went to Tayto Park and St Eugene’s went to We Are Vertigo.
The rewards of the merit system are not only beneficial to individual students, the entire school community benefits from the sense of achievement experienced by students and the positive mentality generated as a result.
Further detailed information is available within our “Behaviour Policy” which can be found here.